Jackass 3D

Jackass. It’s amazing none of the main actors have died from the pranks pulled so far, and as such the franchise has continued on despite competition from others such as Dirty Sanchez. The new thing this time around is the addition of a third-dimension, a common trend recently. So, does the extra depth help the film?

No. This is just the same old Jackass you’ve seen before. There are more stunts, more parts that will make you laugh out loud, but nothing terribly new or original. Heck, most of the best bits are in the adverts.

Watch this on a Friday night with the lads and you’ll laugh out loud. But it won’t hold the appeal for long. And what’s more, the 3D-ness is once again negligible. If Hollywood doesn’t sort this out soon people will begin avoiding the extra charge for very little perceived benefit.

Overall Jackass is enjoyable if you like watching a bunch of jackasses make fools of themselves. Otherwise, this isn’t cinema.

My rating: 50%