Fifa Links

A bit more variation in the links this week, some design, some op-eds and then the usual geekery. This week has also seen me working on the front-end for the new version of HybridLogic. First new design in eight years, and it feels like that long since I last did anything resembling design. I just can’t get over old habits though, it’s got to be pixel perfect.

Great book covers as animated GIFs – Some beautifully subtle animations. I still love my paper, I wonder if this would ever bridge the gap.

Remembering When Driverless Elevators Drew Skepticism – I’ve said it multiple times, but I don’t think humans should be allowed to drive cars. We’re slow and easily distracted and have a terrible safety record. We just need the perception to shift.

Creative Form & Input Field Design Examples – Yes, this is a list of screenshots. But it’s always good to see what patterns people have come up with out there.

Facebook’s Human-Powered Assistant May Just Supercharge AI – Facebook M, using humans as a service since 2015.

Scaling GitHub on Ruby, with a nomadic tech team – I love the paradox that GitHub hosts some of the most exotic projects out there and yet they strive to keep their own set-up as simple as possible.

What even is a kubelet? – First vagrant, then docker. It looks like kubernetes (and it’s ilk) are the third wave.

Linode Forum Graphical Console – For when SSH isn’t enough, now you can pipe a GUI. I’m struggling to think of a use case for this, but hey, tech is tech.

Backdooring your javascript using minifier bugs – There was the old story of backdoors in a C compiler, but this just goes to show you can inject vulnerabilities at any level of the stack.

What’s new in CPUs since the 80s and how does it affect programmers? – Sometimes it’s nice to know how the lowest levels of something work, and you can’t get much lower without dropping past microcode and touching silicon.