Defcon: A Lesson in Thermo-Nuclear War

WarGames, released six years before I was even born, yet I’ve occasionally caught it on TV on Sunday afternoons and instantly fall in love with the retro representation of large scale conflict. So when Introversion, developer of one of my all time favourite games Uplink, announced Defcon I instantly pre-ordered it and awaited the launch date. I’ve been playing it for a few weeks now and here are my thoughts.

This game is simple. I mean really simple. You place your limited number of units and then wait until Defcon 1 to launch a full scale nuclear strike. Of course, saying that is the equivalent of saying rocket science is simply adding two numbers together. This game has depth, a lot of it. You could go with option one and launch every weapon you’ve got but more likely than not your opponent will swat them away and then proceed to systematically reduce your cities to glowing rubble.

Defcon is addictive. I’ve found myself playing battles easily lasting two or more hours, of course for the ultimate thrill you can play a real-time office battle lasting six hours. Watching a small rectangle (nuke) approach a circle (city) is probably the single tensest thing I’ve done in years, believe me this game will leave your fingers permanently devoid of tips and your brow in a constant sweat.

The 80’s style graphics may not be to everybody’s tastes, but they suit this game perfectly, really highlighting just how de-humanized the game really is. Honestly for ten pounds (twenty dollars), this game is a must buy. The online multiplayer aspect brings a whole new dimension to everything as well. Play a few 1vs1 matches to hone your skills and tactics, then jump in and try your hand at a six way battle. Alliances and betrayals become second nature; team up with a neighbouring country to take out the opposition and then proceed to turn your weapons on them. Honestly, there is nothing as satisfying, or terrifying depending on your global position, as attacking another country and watching your bombers and nukes slowly approach at an agonising pace.

Also, unlike other online games such as Counter Strike, the people you meet generally aren’t the 11 year old MyG0ts who scream down their mikes while aimboting you through a wall. So far I’ve talked to science teachers and retired professionals while sharing fire.

Defcon is going to go down in history, its not a product of its graphics or story telling, its simply a brilliant concept translated to a genius game. Get it now! Or I’ll nuke you!

My Rating: 97%

  • 9 nov 20:11