Moving Ever Onwards

This is just a short post to explain what’s going on in my life at the moment. You may find it interesting to read but ultimately I’m simply jotting down my thoughts so that come this time next year I’ll be able to look back and see how far I’ve come. So, by all means read on if you are so inclined.

Firstly I’ve successfully completed my A-Levels in Maths, Physics and ICT receiving passes in all three. I’m now moving on to study a degree in Computing at the University of Central England which should be good fun and give me a great opportunity to continue my learning. I begin next week so updates to the site and side projects may become rather sporadic but don’t worry, I’ll always be here pulling the strings behind the scenes.

On a slightly related note, I passed my UK Driving Theory test with 49 out of 50 on the multiple choice section and 53 out of 75 on the hazard perception side. Now I merely need to learn how to drive and pass my practical exam. But it will be good when I’ve finally got my independence to drive around on my own.

On the technical side I’ve got several projects still in the works having taken a short break over the Summer. Recoil has taken a backseat while I work on another system that utilises its base, but I will hopefully be able to release it one day. And speaking of the aforementioned project, it has since passed its 0.1 alpha and I’ve begun to give it a proper test run on my development server. Still no details yet, there’s a lot more work needed to be done to it (a name and website for one!) but it should definitely be useful to a great many people.

SnakeDust has been collecting dust for a few months but only because I haven’t found the time to work on the new version. Expect the posts to continue though, between exams, holidays and UCAS we haven’t had much time to continually update it. As a side note, if you wish to be a guest writer on SD you can find out more on the Guests page and follow the email link to send us your articles. We’re looking for a whole host of new writers come version 2, so get mailing.

And that’s basically what’s happened and is happening to me in the next few months. I’ve got a tonne of backlogged games, books and films to review not to mention a dozen more tutorials for everything from Fireworks to PHP so stay tuned, it’s all coming your way.

  • 14 sep 15:09