Morning Links

I can get used to this, dumping a load of things from my Instapaper queue on here every Saturday morning while still curled up in bed watching the McTiernan trilogy. Anyway, he’s a bit of tech, culture and entertainment for your perusal.

Hiking the 2,650 mile Pacific Crest Trail – One day. One day I’d love to get away and do something like this. Just a far-off goal and hills and valleys in between me and it.

Printing a wall sized world map – If this was a service and it didn’t cost an arm and a leg (and I had the room for it), I would snap one of these up in a heartbeat!

Ramjet – Now this is seriously cool, though I wonder how well it would perform outside of a demo environment. Anyway, more cool stuff from the guy who made ractive.

Streaming the FIFA 2014 Word Cup – It’s always impressive seeing how others have pulled off big events with tech. And hitting 580 Gbps during a single game is mind blowing.