What’s in a name?

Dachande663. It’s an online handle I’ve used for over half my life. I just wanted to put this blog post out there so I’ve got somewhere to point people to when they ask what the hell it means.

It’s pretty simple really. One of the first books I remember reading as a kid, when I was maybe nine or ten, was Aliens vs. Predator: Prey by Stephen Perry. Of the main characters, one is an older Predator called Yeyinde who goes back the nickname Dachande (meaning different knife).

I always liked the idea of being different, as a kid growing up reading books and writing programs instead of playing football. Add to that the virtues of the Yautja and the general badass-ery of the book and I was hooked.

It fit so well I used it when I opened my first Hotmail account (with a whopping 2 MB of space). And I’ve been using it ever since.

Now, as to the numbers; well, like the company I work for somethings will just have to remain a mystery.

  • 4 may 20:06