The Six Million Request App

Bulk Buffer, my little side project for the past two years, has just sent it’s six millionth tweet. Well, actually it’s on 6,051,378. That’s a million updates sent in the past three months alone. What’s more pleasing from my point of view, is that the entire site runs off of one file.

Bulk Buffer was built to scratch an itch, a really basic one at that. It’s what computers were originally built for, long before Tumblr and GIFs seemed to become the norm. Take something a person can do, but do it faster.

The site has had it’s hiccups. It’s running on a little Digital Ocean box that gets updates every time it runs out of memory or needs a patch. But for the most part, it’s just one file running the whole site. It uses my own Router and DB packages. Maybe a few hundred lines of code in total.

Sometimes you don’t need the distributed, micro-service, containerised architectures to do the job.