
The marketers for this film played a very shrewd game. Take a cast people have almost exclusively seen in comedies, advertise it as a follow-on from their earlier work, then just sit back and watch the cash pour in. In case it’s not clear yet, Cyrus isn’t a comedy. It’s a dull tale of a son rejecting a new step-father. Where there could be comedy and originality it instead turns into hokum.

Cyrus features a fairly decent cast, especially for an indie flick. Comic elements try to creep in, but they’re woefully inadequate to save the film from the dreariness of being a domestic dispute. If you enjoy small films with a close cast then it may be enjoyable, but most will be going to see this expecting something along the lines of Step Brothers.

I don’t have much else to say. The plot is, for lack of a better word, plain to the point of boring. The dialogue never pops and the general cinematography gets in the way more than helps add an authentic feeling. This is one to give a miss.

My rating: 38%