Grown Ups

Grown Ups was a bit of a surprise. Here was another American comedy, following Cop-Out and Death at a Funeral, both of which were awful and so the same could be expected once more. Instead you end up with a film with enough originality to survive the cheesy jokes and corny slapstick long enough to be enjoyable to watch.

A group of friends, reunited by a death after thirty years, decide to take their families to a lake house where they spent much of their childhood. It sounds like a Steve Martin film and features much of the same crude humour that Americans seem to lap up. As the film progresses however it becomes much more fun, especially when it’s just the guys on their own. Everyone loves thinking about their childhood and all the stupid stuff they did, and Grown Ups shows this fondly.

There are bits that make you cringe, and the last act feels tacked on as the parents compete in a basketball match, but overall it’s a thoroughly enjoyable watch. Definitely not for all, especially anyone who prefers a more grown up film, but good nonetheless.

My rating: 6/10