Mr Nice

It’s been a while since a good british comedy has come out, the last one being Wild Target. The nostalgic films often make it seem like everything was better back than (hey, I’m a 90s kid!). The story of Howard Marks isn’t one I’d heard before, and a film can never truly do a life justice, but overall it was enjoyable romp.

Mr Nice follows Rhys Ifans as the titular character, through his first forays into smoking dope right up to his final convictions. Overall the film stays enjoyable, with only short luls in between.

The final courtroom scenes seem to lag, however that’s mostly because the preceding sections are so lively. There’s definitely a lot of laughs here, with all of the characters being superb. The dialogue is sharp and witty and really brings a lot to the story (for once).

If you enjoyed Bronson, Cemetery Junction or other films from that era then Mr Nice is definitely worth seeing.

My rating: 7/10